Scandinavian Web Design
I´m offering highly secured, full service, web design solutions world wide, with personal administration in english and danish.
All delivered websites are mobile friendly and responsive to fit any screen. Select full screen or a more traditional design.
With me as personal web designer you always talk to the same person, who understands your website and your needs.
The design platform I use is world class. Ranking among top 3 of the worlds most secure web design platforms.
I´m based in Denmark, with a global mindset and a clean scandinavian approach to design.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology estimates that as little as 13 milliseconds are sufficient to recognise even unfamiliar
images. Your mind quickly shapes an opinion of what you look at, why images and visual communication is crucial for succes.
Maybe the estimate of 13 milliseconds goes for web design as well, do you look decent online ?
I have worked as Photographer for over 20 years, won international awards, lived and worked in New York City and Paris.
High - end archive photographs or new tailored work for your site is a nice option to think photographs into your web design.
It´s a great advantage to have the same person deliver professional photographs and to design your new website.
My eyes have seen a lot and I have a good sense of what´s going on in design and online marketing.
Let me design and build a visual strong website for you, with full service maintenance, as if it was my own.
Marketing is an option to push your site forward, find more info here on my marketing experiences.
Your photographs tells a lot about your business, don´t save your money here, using poor quality.
Homemade amateur looking smartphone photos are not doing much good for your professional service, brand or product.
I´m happy to travel in order to secure a high visual standard on your site or I can recommend a good photographer near you.
I will do my best with all my experiences from visual communication, design and marketing to make your website succesful !
Get a nice transparent offer
Please tell me what you need ?
Design, production and prices
Solo Independent · professional website solution with basic functions, one language and up to 8 menu points.
Nice fixed price option for psychologists, lawyers, writers, accontants, musicians, designers, all solo professionals.
Fixed price with discount included: DKK 8.000 ~ EUR 1.075 ~ GBP 890 ~ USD 1.100 ~ CAD 1.570 ~ AUD 1.700
Promo Card · your online business card, a very basic, but well designed one page website, without menu points.
Starting at: DKK 4.800 ~ EUR 645 ~ GBP 542 ~ USD 710 ~ CAD 965 ~ AUD 1.066
Business · professional website solution with basic functions, one language and up to 8 menu points.
Starting at: DKK 9.600 ~ EUR 1.290 ~ GBP 1.084 ~ USD 1.420 ~ CAD 1.930 ~ AUD 2.132
Business Extended · extra functions, menu points, pages, languages and more - get a nice tailored offer.
You will always get a separate offer on professional photographs delivered by me for your website.
Production time is no more than 30 days, normally within 10 - 20 days, depending on design, functions and number of pages.
The final website is yours. I´m only taking care of it for as long as you like, it can always be transferred to a new administrator.
You can choose to administrate the final website with a monthly fee to cover domain, hosting and high security.
Estimated price paid to the platform: DKK 150 ~ EUR 20 ~ GBP 16 ~ USD 21 ~ CAD 29 ~ AUD 32
I highly recommend the monthly service plan to cover:
Support, hosting, domain, high security, analytical report, maintenance and more - most clients select this nice service.option.
Price: DKK 400 ~ EUR 54 ~ GBP 46 ~ USD 60 ~ CAD 82 ~ AUD 89
The service plan will be charged for 4 months at a time, paid in advance, without binding.
Your analytical report will follow invoicing, 3 times a year.
There is no sales tax for clients outside Denmark.
Why is service plan a good idea ?
Avoid technical issues you can´t fix yourself, enjoy a stabil and secure website running smooth.
I will analyze, maintain, monitor and take care of your website, as if it was my own.
Good advice on promotion, social media and marketing is also part of your plan.
There is no binding of your service plan.
Your website will always appear fresh and updated !
Full service plan includes
· analytical report every 4. month, with in depth insight of your visitors behaviour, without use of cookies.
· transparent agreement without any hidden fees, everything is agreed on forehand, you will always know what to pay.
· free suggestions over time on updates of your website, in order to create more visibility and succes.
· free advice on marketing, social media, paid online advertising and growth.
· personal support by me via email, you will always have contact with the same person, who knows your website.
· small updates of text, images and video, free of charge.
· free advice on all content, I have always worked with visual expression and won international awards as Photographer.
· general administration and maintenance, your website will be taken care of as if it was my own.
· rmobile friendly website, working on all screens, smartphones, tablets and computers. - full screen or traditional design.
· SEO with optimal text and keywords for the best possible Google ranking.
· hosting of your website on a stable and highly secured server.
· secure https domain, the name of your new website.
· no binding, unsubscribe anytime.
· you own your website and it can always be transferred to you or a new administrator.
Testimonials · read about client experiences